* Dokumen dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Unite for Body Rights Program (UFBR) is a collaborative initiative of five Dutch NGOs focused on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRHR) with aims to improve sexual reproductive health and rights in developing countries among women, men, adolescents and marginalized groups regardless of their cultural and religious background, age, gender and sexual orientation.

In Indonesia, UFBR is implemented in 4 provinces: DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Lampung and Jambi from 2011 to 2015. Before the UFBR program was implemented, a baseline outcome measurement was conducted in 2011 (and in 2013 for SETARA curriculum intervention). This report will describe the results of an endline outcome measurement evaluation conducted in 2015 to track changes in SRHR target areas since the commencement of the UFBR program.

The design of this study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Primary data and secondary data were gathered using similar methods and tools to those developed for measuring baseline outcomes in 2011.

Only available in Indonesian

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